Balance is something we can work on each day. Being physically active, including regular muscle strength and balance exercises, can reduce the risk of falls. Canadian statics indicate that 1 out of 3 older adults, 65 years and older, will have at least one fall.
Staying active can help prevent falls and help you remain independent.
Here are a few easy balance exercises that can be done at home using a sturdy chair, a wall or a kitchen counter for support if needed.
PICTURES HERE (to be provided by AAIM) from SUWC manual – pages – 52 – One
Leg Stand page 53 –Walk A Line & Shift Weight foot to foot.
Staying active can help prevent falls and help you remain independent.
Here are a few easy balance exercises that can be done at home using a sturdy chair, a wall or a kitchen counter for support if needed.
PICTURES HERE (to be provided by AAIM) from SUWC manual – pages – 52 – One
Leg Stand page 53 –Walk A Line & Shift Weight foot to foot.