Steppin’ Up With Confidence (SUWC)

What is Steppin’ Up with Confidence?

Steppin’ Up with Confidence is an active living peer led exercise program. Steppin’ Up with Confidence is designed to work on functional fitness that will support activities of daily living. With an emphasis on strength, mobility, flexibility, and balance the goal of this program is to support falls prevention, and continued independence. This inclusive program can be done seated or standing and supports individuals at various levels of fitness and mobility.  

Who should get involved?

All Manitobans 55 years of age or older with an interest in healthy, active aging and a desire to lead an exercise class for their peers.

What will you learn in the workshop?

  • The importance of regular physical activity on healthy aging and functional ability.
  • The proper ways to do a variety of exercises that help older adults stay healthy and independent.
  • How to prepare and lead an exercise class for older adults.
  • How AAIM can continue to support your peer volunteer efforts.

You will receive a Peer Leader Training Manual with all of the exercises and resources to help you begin an exercise class in your community.

What is Steppin’ Out with Confidence?

The Steppin’ Out with Confidence Peer Leader led walking program provides an opportunity for older adults  to participate in physical activity by eliminating or reducing barriers including perceived safety, accessibility and cost. The purpose of Steppin' Out with Confidence is to encourage older adults to embrace an active lifestyle by offering resource support and encouraging the development of social networks.

Walking has immense health benefits! Peer led walking programs are designed to designed to make older adults feel more comfortable, supported and most importantly help increase activity levels and improve overall health.

Become a volunteer Peer Leader in our “Steppin Out with Confidence” program

The Peer Walking Leader ‘s role is to safely lead a walking program and be an ambassador for healthy active aging!

What will be covered in the training?

  • Benefits of regular physical activity
  • How to help participants get started
  • Understand the phases of walking progression
  • The components of a walking program including warm up and cool down stretches
  • The basic technique of walking
  • How to lead a safe and fun walking group

This training is approximately two hours in length and will be held virtually.  The training, continuing education, and Steppin’ Out with Confidence manual are provided free of charge by Active Aging in Manitoba. 

Want to Become a Peer Leader?
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