AAIM’s community outreach includes presentations on healthy aging topics facilitated by knowledgeable volunteers. If you are interested in having AAIM do a presentation for your group please complete the request form below.
Ten Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle
An informative presentation to encourage older adults on ways to keep healthy, strong and flexible. The presentation covers the four determinants that play key roles in healthy aging: healthy eating, falls prevention, physical activity and smoking cessation.
Staying on Your Feet – Falls Prevention
The goal of this presentation is to reduce the risk of falls among older Manitobans. The small group discussion will help participants to understand some of their risks of falling at home and in the community. They will receive information to help them determine their risk of falling and take action to lower their risk of falling. At the end of the session each participant will take home their own personal safety plan for falls prevention.
Healthy Habits for a Healthy Brain
Active Aging in Manitoba in collaboration with the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba has developed a 1-hour presentation/discussion on healthy habits that can contribute to a healthy brain and a positive outlook. This topic will look at Mental Well-being …a state in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.
Active Living
An interactive presentation to engage older adults in a discussion about the health benefits of active living. Active Aging in Manitoba speakers are older adults who themselves have embraced an active living lifestyle. The topics include:
- Why active living is so important.
- Assessment of the participant’s current lifestyle.
- Motivational Tips
- Making a commitment to be more active.
Healthy Mouth: Key to a Healthy Body
Active Aging in Manitoba in collaboration with the Manitoba Dental Hygienists Association (MDHA) has developed a 1-hour presentation/discussion on the importance of maintaining a healthy mouth for healthy aging. This presentation will inform you about:
- The mouth-body-health connection & why oral health is important
- Warning signs & how to maintain a healthy mouth
- How to take control of your oral health
- Challenges in maintaining oral health & ways to overcome those challenges
- How to talk to your dental care team
- Caring for your oral health and others in your life